Indy Fitness Essentials

Safe, Effective, Quantified Personal Training.

ARX Adaptive Resistance Exercise

Why ARX over traditional weights?

*SAFE--ARX provides equal and opposite resistance in direct response to the user's force output. This means that the resistance can never become excessive, very little skill learning is involved, and nothing can ever fall on you. 

*EFFECTIVE--This equal/opposite (or "adaptive") resistance perfectly loads the target muscles at all times, providing optimal amounts of mechanical tension at all times, and never underloading the user.

*EFFICIENT--Because of this optimization of the "active ingredient" in strength training, you can accomplish a large amount of workout volume and apply the stimulus in a very short amount of time.

Here is a research article showing the science behind this type of resistance training: ARX Research Study

What does this mean for you?

It means less time in the gym with the same or even better results than 3x/week of  an hour weight lifting. It means more time to spend with you kids or friends making memories that will last a lifetime. It means being able to move freely without inhibition...what would you do if you could do anything physically?

It means improved body composition, increased strength and endurance, enhanced resistance to injury, enhanced bone density, enhanced connective tissue resilience, and enhanced metabolic health/conditioning (cardiovascular). This ALL will extend your quality of life.

And thanks to the ARX software your strength improvements are quantifiable. Every workout is stored so we can look back at your numbers and compare your results. Aren't getting the maximum benefit? We can change up the speed, the reps, the angle of the motion...whatever we need to do to find the best workout for your individual needs. 

Short Video Intro to ARX

Workout Walk-Through

I am here to guide you

Laura Vanderbeck, CPT/CES

About Me:

I've been a personal trainer since 2008 and have worked with a large variety of people. I've helped clients improve self-esteem, gain a positive outlook, muscle mass, knowledge for a lifetime, and, of course, lose weight. I've worked with males and females from the ages of 14-85. It's never too early or too late to go for your fitness dreams!

My certification is through NASM (National Academy of Sport Medicine) They are a professional organization requiring intense studies and hands-on classes to obtain a certification. I'm required to re-certify every two years so that I stay up-to-date on the latest techniques and teaching philosophies. 

I have not always been in the fitness arena, and, in fact, was even in management positions with a national pizza chain for many years. After gaining a fair amount of weight and becoming quite unhappy with the unhealthy lifestyle habits I had formed, I decided to get back into the health arena. I had previously coached and played collegiate sports but did not like dealing with a whole team. Being an introvert I prefer small groups or one-on-one so the personal training field seemed a logical choice. It was one of the best decisions of my life as I have been doing it since first starting at a corporate gym in Indianapolis in August, 2008.  Upon their closure in November, 2010, I became fully independent and then joined up with Claudia to form Indy Fitness Essentials in May, 2019.

Claudia is certified with FMS-Functional Movement Screen. She can take you through a screening and get you on a program to help your whole body move better and feel better! 


My mission is to provide optimal health through exercise, nutrition, and supplementation with as little medicine and little time as possible.

Life Philosophy:

ENJOY LIFE!! Life is too short. For me, it is fun to play softball, basketball, tennis and ride a bike. I love the outdoors and photography. I also love going fishing, hiking, and playing with my Huskie, Blitzen. I love being active with my nieces and family! These are things that a lot of people can't do because they can't get up and down off the floor or walk further than a block without becoming short of breath. Basic things like taking out the trash can be exhausting. It doesn't have to be that way! Life is meant to be enjoyed. Fundamental exercises like squats and core work will give you the strength necessary to live life to the fullest; play with your kids and grand-kids to give you both memories forever. Go for that hike that will give you the picture of a lifetime. Don't wait! Act now.

My Training Philosophy

I always give a Fitness Fundamentals session to evaluate your current fitness levels and discuss your goals. By determining where you currently are physically, I can determine where your fitness program needs to begin. I don't want to be too easy on you so that you are not challenged! On the other hand, it's important to be able to walk and laugh the next day without being in too much pain!! I do not believe in "putting you through the ringer" just so you feel inferior and defeated. I will quietly (I'm not a yeller) push you to do your best and, hopefully, do even better than YOU thought possible. Luckily with the addition of the ARX machine, there is no more guess work on how much weight you can lift! It adjusts to YOU. And by meeting with Claudia, I'll know exactly how hard or not hard to push you!

Will you get sore? Probably a bit! You will feel muscles you didn't even know existed! But, you will still be able to function and it should feel good--like you got in a good workout! 

I discuss all areas of wellness with my clients; not just physical. I will get you started on a nutrition plan. Nutrition will account for 80% of your results! That's huge! Most of my teaching is based on ( I DO NOT believe in a one-size-fits-all approach and there are many options when it comes to your food. Check out the above website for more information on this particular program. We'll talk about the psychology of wellness and what obstacles could get in your way. We'll discuss what supplements may or may not be beneficial and we'll develop a plan of action together.